"How's The View From the Back?"
I woke up a little past 9 and meet Katie and Jennifer in Tymetz Square so we could go to Wal-Mart. Katie needed to pick up some bags for a collection drive and Jennifer needed to print some stuff off for her Diversity Scholars project and I was just tagging along. While they went into to Wal-Mart, I walked over to Boarders and used their free wi-fi. The wi-fi was really slow so I ended up just grabbing a book and reading. I got about 130 pages into Catching Fire, the sequel to The Hunger Games, which had come out while we have been gone.
Katie met me after she had gotten her bags and we waited for Jennifer. After about an hour and half had gone by, she still wasn’t back yet. Her cell phone was broken so we couldn’t call her. As we were leaving Boarders to go back to Wal-Mart to look for her, she walked right through the door. We left and walked to Burger King and had lunch. We went back to wal-mart after lunch and Katie and I ended up buying Monopoly because we have been dying to play all voyage and SAS only has Monopoly Jr., which is an epic fail. We caught the shuttle back to the ship and hung out for a couple hours.
At 3, we all met outside the ship for the 5K that had been put together to benefit the $100 Solution. I didn’t run it, but I walked with Erica, Robyn, and Jennifer. A lot of people dressed up because it was a fun run. One kid even did the whole thing on crutches. That is pretty awesome. It was actually pretty fun. We took pictures and chatted. Once back at the ship, everyone was on their cell phone making those last minute calls before we lose service for a week. I made some calls, but then I got a nice surprise when I found out that we had a BBQ for dinner. We got good food! There was Hawaiian BBQ and burgers. It was great.
The next exciting thing happened when we were all told to gather in the union at 2000 because of some itinerary changes. I didn’t really think that they would actually change the itinerary and that they all wanted us there because we had some sort of speaker. I was wrong and they really did change the itinerary. We are going back to Honolulu because there is a HUGE storm coming and they wanted to avoid the swells. So we get an extra day in Hawaii. The bad news is that we now don’t get a study day before our A Day finals. Which sucks because that was the day I was planning on doing my portfolio, but I will get done eventually. So now I have another day in Hawaii to look forward to. It really sucks though that the one day I would have really liked to be in Honolulu was today because it is Pearl Harbor day and that would have been too amazing. Oh well, just have to come back.