From Pollywog to Shellback
This morning the 3 (yep, three. Mackenzie fell asleep in our room) of us got woken up by the crew banging pots and pans and blowing whistles through the hallway. They were all dressed up because it is NEPTUNE DAY!!!! We grabbed some quick breakfast and headed to deck 7. Dani, the royal torturer, got us all lined up behind the pool and we waited for the ceremony to begin. King Neptune (Captain Jeremy, who had painted himself green for the occasion) and Queen Minerva (Rita) entered and after a few words the ceremony began. The LLLs Bill and Carolyn started off the whole shebang. But somehow, I didnt see how it happened, Bill feel and hit his head in the pool. I mean he hit it hard so hard that it was bleeding. He jumped right up though and Dr. Dave took care of him. It wasnt the best way to start, but we carried on. I was the first student to have fish guts poured on them. It really wasnt that bad. Plus, I was about 2 steps away from the pool, so I went directly into the pool. I climbed out and was greeted by King Neptune and was told to kiss a fish, which I did and I also kissed his ring. After all the kissing, I went to Dean Bob who dubbed me a shellback. So its official. I get a certificate and everything. The ceremony concluded with head shaving. A lot of guys shaved their heads and a surprising about of girls did as well. A couple of people rather then completely shave their heads, got Mohawks and Shannon was brave enough to shave half of her head. But I am happy to report that I still have all of my hair.
The rest of the day was used as a break from class. Everybody just pretty much laid around and didnt do much of anything. We all hung out and swapped pictures and tried to catch up on our blogs. Volleyball intramurals started and my team had our first game tonight. We are the Middle Tennessee Mafia (shout out to Dad for the team name!) and my team consists of me, Charis and Becky. Becky is from New York, but was actually born in Nashville, so I think she still qualifies. We won our first game! Yay!