?I Feel Like If You Had the Resources You Would Wear a Metallic Silver Bathrobe Everywhere"
Today was the global studies mid-term. It was the most ridiculous test I have ever taken. Every question had about 3 correct answers. Everyone was freaking out. I just kind of gave up. The only thing I can figure is that there is going to be one hell of a curve. As Dr. Aimee said, He cant fail everyone.
The rest of the day we played pish-posh. I think I can successfully say that I have all my friends addicted to it. It is awesome. Now the game is spreading to New York, Oregon, Colorado, and California.
We also had our service learning mid-term check in. That went alright. I then started to work on the slideshow that I am using during the Disney info session I am giving at some point after India. While doing this Mackenzie and I were camped out on the back deck.
After dinner, we had our logistical pre-port for Mauritius. Mackenzie and I saw that Dr. Aimee is our group leader for our Adventure Park and Beach trip. It is going to be awesome. She is going to see Mackenzie and I in rare form that day.
Mackenzie and I went back to the room and watched Troop Beverly Hills. I realized the similarities that Mackenzie has to Shelley Longs character Phyllis. Here we go down the zip line Phyllis!! haha
Lauren Gray
Career Development Program Assistant