Getting Ready for China

I accidentally slept through Global Studies this morning…whoops. I will just have to go tomorrow to make it up. I tried to take it easy because I think I am coming down with a cold. I eventually emerged from my room for lunch.
I grabbed lunch with Mackenzie before class. We met for class up on Deck 7 forward for some flag flying ceremony. The flag came from the rotary club in India and the flag was for a polio free India. At some point in this ceremony, my notebook decided to flip open and all sorts of papers went everywhere. Luckily, I didn’t lose much.
Our service learning class was made up of talking with out provost. It was interesting to hear what she had to say.
At 1630, we had the Kentucky event. We had great food and drinks and it went pretty well. We inducted Dean Bob and Dean Nick as Kentucky Colonels. They were so surprised.
Afterward, we all went to dinner with the provost. She seems really interested in what we have to say. She also is really passionate about SAS and wanting more WKU people to participate in the program. I would really like to talk to her more about everything and hopefully I will be able to.
Tonight instead of a cultural preport, we had an extension of global studies and had a panel about China. It was vaguely interesting. Dr. Aimee was on it since she got her doctorate in Hong Kong. Then we went back to the room and played pish-posh and crashed.

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