On Ship Happenings

**Random Fact: There is a waiter onboard whose name is Paul. Every time he comes around gets my plate or refills my drink I always say “Thanks Paul” and every time without fail it makes me think of Preds games when the announcer is like “There is one minute remaining in the period” and the crowd responds with “Thanks Paul”**

The days on the ship since Ghana have been pretty routine, with the exception of Neptune Day. Normally I would be ok with this kind of routine on the ship, but not when it is cloudy and cold outside. Yep, we just crossed the equator and it is cloudy and cold. Not to mention the fact that the waves have been terrible. Plus, it seems like everyone is sick or is getting over a sickness. There was a rumor about e. coli but I don’t know if I believe that one. So between seasickness and actual sickness class attendance has been pretty low. The swells right now are about 8-9 feet high and before we reach South Africa they are supposed to hit 20! There is a rumor going around the we get “Wave Days” where the waves are so bad that we don’t go to class. That would be pretty sweet, but I will believe that when it happens. The union was so rocky that we moved my International Management class outside to the back of deck 6. That was pretty cool. It was really relaxed and considering there are only 13 of us including Dr. Aimee it was more like having a conversation then a lecture.
My extended family and I had a movie night a couple of nights ago. Christie rented out a room and got us popcorn and we all watched Blood Diamond. Everyone was so jealous of our family.
The MTM had the second game and of course we dominated as usual. So now we are in the semi-finals of the tournament. Yay us.
It is really ridiculous how cold it is outside. I was sitting outside in jeans and hoodie and I was still cold. What happened to it being hot around the equator? The cold is not helping the attitude on the ship. Most everyone is excited for South Africa.

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