Post South Africa

South Africa blew my mind. My safari was amazing. It was a dream come true. John was great and it was everything I could have hoped for. I really just can’t believe that it finally happened.
What really got me about SA was that it was such a land of contrast. You climb Table Mountain and see the beauty, but then you see the shantytowns. We saw the wealth of the waterfront and then barely 2 miles away are the townships where people live in poverty like I have never seen. Plus you have this contrast of wild and tame. You can drive through a charming little town, but then see a baboon sitting on a car or an ostrich crossing the street. It was crazy and I absolutely loved it.
I think that I had 2 really bug moments while in SA and they both happened because of Operation Hunger. The first was the little girl named Kimmy. This little girl attached herself to Mackenzie and I. She never asked for anything, but I wanted to give her anything I could. I wanted to bring her home with me. The reason I think that this little girl had such an impact on me was because she really made me think twice about adoption. It was something that I never really considered before. But now I feel like I should help every child I can and if that means adoption then so be it.
The second encounter was the little boy and old man at the township where we helped with the soup kitchen. These people made me entirely more grateful for everything I have. The little boy, who is having one of his 2 hot meals a week, offers me his bread. It amazed me because it was such a self-less act and it was from the one person I totally be ok with being selfish. It made me realize that I have a lot more than most and I need to be more generous. The old man just struck me as so sincere. He knew he would never set foot in the US, but he still wanted to make a good impression. The look in his eyes said everything. The sorrow of his statement, but the faith that everything was going to be ok, I wish I could have captured that in the photo I took of him, but I don’t think that could ever be possible.
There was another incident that I observed rather then it happening to me. The kids who left their trash everywhere after lunch during Operation Hunger because they were too hungover to care. I really wanted to say something, but I didn’t. It was just so disgraceful. I have a feeling that before this voyage is over I will blow up on someone and I feel sorry for whoever it is.
Overall, South Africa has by far been my favorite port. From going on a safari, single ladies dancing, British Military, karaoke, dressing up like pirates, penguins, lighthouses or the poverty of the townships, this is a place I know I will come back to.

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